Switch Repairs

عکس تعمیرات سوزن در ایرید

As a national duty to meet the needs of the country’s rail industry and promote domestic production, IRID Company has made significant advancements in the construction and repair of various switch components.

Switches are an essential part of railway infrastructure worldwide, characterized by a complex structure made up of different components that incur very high costs in terms of procurement, installation, maintenance, and repairs. Furthermore, the operational lifespan of switches in Iran’s rail network is significantly lower than international standards and those of many countries. Due to the complexity and diversity of their structural components, as well as their critical role in the rail system, they are considered one of the most hazardous points on the railway, accounting for 35% of railway accidents occurring at switches. Consequently, optimal management and maintenance of switches are crucial to reducing these high costs.

All components of switches, particularly the central piece, tongue, and lateral rail, suffer from severe wear, chipping, deformation, cracking, and breaking due to the traffic and the varying hardness and surface conditions of train wheels. The heavy traffic on the tracks and inadequate attention to these issues lead to significant damage, making rapid reconstruction and prevention of defect progression vital. Experience from similar cases and cost comparisons indicate that reconstructing components can often be quicker and sometimes cheaper than replacing them.

Annually, substantial costs arise from the defects on switch components.

The repair unit of IRID Company, equipped with advanced technical knowledge and specialized equipment, has the capability to repair all switch components according to customer requirements and international standards.

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